Feature Request: Chart Label vs. Time Interval
Looking at the 1W, 1M, 6M, and 1Y labels on the Blackhedge chart can be a little confusing since they represent 15m, 1Hour, 4Hours, and 1Day time intervals respectively.
Perhaps BlackHedge can allow premium members or everyone the ability to switch between the default chart label and the time interval — similar to how we can change the line or bar chart.
Danish Sayed
Danish Sayed
Hey Ray sorry for the late response.
You can actually go to CHART PREFERENCES in the profile page and select your default chart to candlestick or bar chart.
As far as the time interval labeling, I'm sure we can add that to the development pipeline!
Danish Sayed: All good Danish, but yeah, I know how to toggle between bar and line charts—I was simply referencing it as an example of how Blackhedge can allow that sort of ease for time intervals.
Danish Sayed
Ray: Oooh I got you, yeah we can definitely work that into the roadmap!